
Holy Communion

The Ethiopian Church believes that the Holy Communion is both a Sacrament and a Sacrifice offered for our salvation, an unbloody sacrifice. As a sacrament it is that august mystery through which we eat the blessed flesh of our Lord, and drink His precious blood under the form of bread and wine. It is called also the Eucharist, the Lord's Table, the Body and Blood of Christ. The bread and wine which are blessed and consecrated by the word and help of the Lord and by the hand of the priest are united with His Body and Blood and truly changed, the bread is the Body of the son of God, and the wine is truly the Blood of the Son of God. Cor. 16, 17; Jn. xx 28. That which we receive is for a memorial of His death, for the forgiveness of sin, for the strengthening of faith and for eternal life. Mat. xxvi 26, 27, Jn. vi. 54. But he who eats and drinks when he ought not, eats and drinks condemnation to himself; it does not profit him.

It is our Lord Jesus Christ Himself who blesses and changes the bread and wine. By His word and grace, when the priest who has received authority blesses the bread, it becomes truly the Body of the Lord, and when he blesses the wine, it becomes truly the Blood of the Lord. Before receiving the Holy Eucharist the soul must be free from sins, be washed in the water of repentance. What is necessary to prepare the body to receive the Eucharist is purity of heart and the works of faith, love, gentleness and mercy; outward fasting alone does not prepare the body with honor. But nevertheless, the ordinances of the church command those who intend to communicate to fast beforehand, taking no food and no liquid. The sick are exempted from the requirement of fasting and Eucharist may be celebrated for the faithful in time of sickness when they desire it.

Communion is administered in both kinds. Immediately after the reception the deacon gives water to those who have received in order that they may rinse their mouths. The wine is made before each service by the deacon from dried grapes and water. The sacrament is reserved in the Tabot because occasional reservation is in use f.e. the last sacrament is administered in the homes of the sick people.

In brief the Church's faith is that our Lord Jesus is truly and actually present in the Sacrament of Eucharist, the faithful partake of the flesh and blood of Jesus Christ, get the spiritual food which helps them to grow in grace, receive remission of sins, abide in Christ and Christ abides in them, get holy companionship with Christ and fellow worshippers and with all the Church on earth, are given true life in this world and eternal life. Bells ring and believers prostrate themselves when the Holy Eucharist is in procession. When the flesh is divided and given to the believers, every part of it even the smallest part is perfect body of the Lord, the same with the blood. It is also believed that once the bread and wine are changed they remain flesh and blood till they are completely consumed. Communion is consecrated and given on the same day. Believers go and communicate in the church. In case of the very sick the priest takes communion to those who are near; for those who are far he consecrates Communion in a tent.


Seven Sacrament

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