

The Sacrament of Matrimony is the holy service through which a man and a woman are united and given the divine grace which sanctifies their union, makes it perfect and spiritual like the unity of Christ and Church, and gives them strength to abide by the contract which mutually binds. Matrimony was instituted by the Almighty who at creation told Adam and Eve to be faithful, multiply and replenish the earth Christ taught that a man should cleave to his wife ( Matt. 19:4-6) .

During the rite the bride and bridegroom are anointed with oil and clothed in wedding garments including a crown. This church marriage is called Communion Marriage because the couple are married by Communion, Qurban; they take Holy Communion during the wedding Mass. The priest takes the man's hand and places it in the hand of the woman, blessing them with the sign of the cross. The bride is reminded that wives are subject to their husbands. The ceremony is completed with a Mass in which both parties receive the sacrament.

The law of the Gospel and the Christian ordinances are one man for one woman and one woman for one man. The taking of another is forbidden ( 1 Tim. ini. 2; Tit. I. 6 ) . If either of them dies the other can marry. Separation is only allowed for adultery. Before marriage both should be Christians, Orthodox. They should not be related by a carnal or spiritual affinity, they should give their formal consent, the desire of parents is not sufficient. The Civil Law recognizes customary and civil marriages, the Church recognizes but one marriage, religious marriage, which is solemnized with a nuptial Mass or wedding Eucharist.


Seven Sacrament

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